Sunday, July 01, 2007

In front of da United Nations of Benetton.

We just can't believe that Disney Land still has no seat!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Chaim's Barmitzvah Parshat Tzav

Chaim and Us

Chaim and All of Us

The Brothers in Law

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pesach 5767 (2007) Visitors - Mom!

Our Back Yard


I'll Catch Up!

Hiking From Ein Sadgmeh (Near Bat Ayim)

I Sure Hope It's Deep Enough!

Leaping Into Ein Sadgmeh (Near Bat Ayim)

Lake Michigan

Ah... Would you believe Ein Sadgme?

Acharai! (Follow Me)

Givat Hatormosim.

My Trusty Guide

Givat Hatormosim.
Um... Please pass the pollen, someone.

Barmitzvah Pictures Coming Soon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Come With Me to Israel

Get a box of kleenex ready

Maybe we'll see you here for Chaim's Bar Mitzvah March 31?