Friday, December 31, 2004

Some More Family Pictures

Gas stove, blender, microwave, teenager. What could happen?

Chaim and his friend Akiva hangin' in the bus station mall.

Here's our table with new age Shabbat candles!

Monday, December 27, 2004

Some Family Pictures

Here's Chaim relaxing at home.

Here's Adiella with her Daat Mikrah

Here's Evey with Nicole, Homer and a few other celebreties.

Here's Chaim and Koby showing us what a sun roof's for.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

What Does Seeing Progress Mean?

Seeing progress has a double meaning. It means seeing that progress is occurring which is an appropriate name for a blog considering that a blog tracks what's happening and comments on the patterns that emerge. But the primary meaning for me is the less obvious one; becoming progressively better at seeing.

Being good at seeing is really important - not so much for the one seeing as for the one being seen. Everybody wants to be seen. When we aren't seen by others we begin to feel isolated and to doubt our own existence or at least the significance of our own existence, which is almost the same thing.

How does one get out of this mess? By being seen by another person. Once you are seen by another person who's eyes can look into your soul you are redeemed. With this redemption comes the obligation to redeem others by seeing them.

That's it. I'm going to be trying to see others and report what I see. I'll probably be revealing a thing or two about myself while I'm at it.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Every Dog Has its Day!

Meet "Sweetie Pie"

She's in heat and we are doing our best to keep her in the house so that we don't have lots of little puppies to deal with.
I've got a few questions for all you dog owners out there. The first is a medical question and the second concerns medical-ethics.

  • Anyone have a dog that lost a tooth? That happened to SP. Is this normal? Will it grow back? Do we need to take her in for treatment?
  • What about neutering? Is it ethical to take that away from an animal? Is it ethical not to? Its a practical ethics quesion for us these days.

Use the comments link to give me your imput!