Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Voting Day In Israel

Evey Votes!

Then We Went on a Family Outing.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Got Purple! My Favorite Time of the Year.

Tired Fruitbearers Wading in a Purple Pond

Looking For a Way Over the Wall?

Think They'll Notice If I Sneak Up From Behind?

Little Dabs of Oil on Canvas.

Or Do You Prefer "Nature's Pixels?"

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Our Fish Get Seen, Again.

Oscar White Today

In Hebrew, "Dag," which sounds a bit like the word Dog in English, means fish. Well this "Dag," was raised on dry dog food. Take a look at him about a year ago next to the same "Giant" (Talk about a misnomer!) Danio, you'll see that he was not malnourished.

Oscar White Around a Year Ago.

More on our fish here and here.