Saturday, July 30, 2005

Take the Plunge!

Ein Kaleb Again

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Listening to Everyone's Prayers

Another Heart Warming "Only in Israel" Image

It's on my desk top now, thanks to where you can find this and lots of other pictures from the anti-disengagement demonstration at Kfar Maimon.

This image gallery is the likely source of the picture. But it's been posted on lots of blogs. Here's a partial list to see more captions, explanations, and comments about this picture.

Anti-disengagement minyan on Cross Currents.
Anti-disengagement minyan on treppenwitz.
Anti-disengagement minyan on jewlicious.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Nefesh Benefesh July 13 2005

What a Nice Welcome!

Getting off the Plane

Slogan Shirt in Heblish

Look What He Brought!

Those little green wings must have gotten really tired carrying him all that way!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Happy 17th Birthday Miri!

At the Sheraton

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Anger Management Frisbe

I want to thank Sha!, an Israeli blogger who wrote a piece on Bill Goldberg, the modern day Jewish sports legend turned movie star.

Well I have something to add. Goldberg is not only an awsome athlete, he's also an anger management toy!

Meet Frisbe Goldberg!

I bought him for 15 Shekels at the toy store on Emek Refaim. I wouldn't advise going there to ask for one. He had run out of frisb Goldbergs last time I asked.

Just look at him when you're angry and grin - at him, and at yourself.