Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Israel Is Overgoverned

A whole ministry for one crop!??!

The Ministry of Strawberries in Jerusalem's Giv'at Shaul neighborhood!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Change of Seasons - Leap Year Erev Pesach

Here's that frozen lake melted and drying fast

Smooth as Glass. Who Can Resist?

A Closer Look at the Splash!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Amazingly Hot Dogs!

Today's piece is from Purim even though it's a few weeks late in coming and has nothing to do with the holiday per se. It was just an excuse to bring an animal trainer to the community center in Efrat to entertain the kids. Well, the kids really enjoyed it. My favorite part was when these very formidable creatures jumped through hoops of fire.

I'm waxing creative here. Take a look at this cool effect. It's just fire and a blur of dog.

Here's some just ordinary stills to give you a sense of what kind of animal we're talking about here.

Spring Time Graphic

Guys in Green

Friday, April 08, 2005

Arabs Helping Israel

I Mean Other Than Joseph Farrah!

Israel had some stunning success in sports recently thanks to two up and comming stars Abbas Suan and Walid Badir.

Here are some more details about the game against France and Ireland!

And in related news, read about Israel's leading 12 year old Zionist mavin.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Peace in Our Time!

A Very Inspirational Television Comercial

Today I bring you a video clip advertising an Israeli internet service provider.

Don't worry that its in Hebrew. It's all visual. It's enough to know that the screen caption at the end says; "In real life, it's still impossible. But on the internet new connections are being formed all the time". Oh! And the guy's T-shirt says, "Nothing like serving in a combat unit, bro!"

Click here to download video clip.

Thank you Rinat for referencing this clip.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Purim Pictures

Trying to Stop Internet Piracy

Adiella and Mishloach Manot

Seudat Purim with Guest From a Neighboring Village