This is my favorite species of aquarium fish. Athough known as the "Giant Danio," I have only once seen one over 3 inches long.
This picture was taken in the pet store in the Malcha shopping mall in Southern Jerusalem.
Our Danio

This guy is hard to photograph. You see his tail there just behind Oscar White? Oh by the way, meet Oscar White. He's the newest addition to our aquatic display.

Here's the Danio hiding behind Mr. White again.
Oscar Black

Here's the old man of the tank. He's been around for years. The recent arrival of another Oscar fish has necesitated the appendage of the sir name "Black" for distinction from Oscar White. Amazing fish, this old Oscar. We feed him on dry dog food. You can hear the stuff crunching in his powerful jaws from across the room.
Oscar Black Again...

All those years in the kitchen and not once did this Oscar offer to do the dishes!
And that, my dear readers, is the difference between him and me!
maybe oscar should read readers digest.
Hey anonymous! Your right. And here's an online edition of the readers digest that talks about why I like to do the dishes so much;
Hi Andy! What beautiful pictures! It looks like you're having lots of fun with your kids! We had a beautiful fish tank for almost three years with fancy goldfish. They got sick and I wasn't able to help them. Now we have a fat, cute old guinea pig who belonged to a friend for a few years. His name is Roly and he lives to eat!!! We've had him for two years and hope he'll live a long, happy life. I don't mind doing dishes!
Hey Anonymous
I don't know who you are.
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