See my previous post about our fish including Oscar Black
Most Likely Cause of Death: Old Age

Oscar's Freinds Say Goodby

Swimming in a Different World Now.

Did He Measure Up?

Andy Kohlenberg Israel by way of Milwaukee, Culver City, Seattle, Claremont and Capetown
So sad. He's always been with you! How old was he?
Pip speaks for all of us in sending you our hearfelt condolences on the loss of your fish.
The Katz Family
Hannah and Barbara are sad about the death of Oscar. And we never had a chance to meet him. Love, Barbara K. and Hannah
I remember that fish. He certainly was big. Hope you aren't too sad. Ncie to see Moshey's handsome face and his nice shirt.
Well Nettie. Oscar was around 5 years old.
Ron and Sue. I'm not sure how ready the Kohlenberg pets are to recieve the condonlances of a cat!
Barbara and Hanna. Don't worry. You didn't miss much. He really wouldn't have been worth writing home about. Its only because bloging is easier than buying a postage stamp that you're hearing about it all.
Hi Mom. Yeah that is a nice picture of Moshy and a nice shirt too. Thanks!
hi,, you nkow its hard to take that you lost pet oscar you know i have oscars to ang i really love oscars and i take good care of my oscars and i know your's so condolence.
you sure your tank wasn't too small? Oscars need at least 55 gallons for 1, 75 gallons for 2...
not sure, but your tank looked a bit small. Oscars normally live 10-15 years.
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