Hi everyone!
This is just a post to keep this weblog alive and to tell you all that I'm still here. There is no definite news that I would like to share right now. So I will just suffice with some updates to the features offered by this website.
Some New Features
Wish List
Check out the links in the right collumn starting with my vitally important Amazon.com wish list. There might be something there you want to get me. There might even be something you want me to have, like a book to change my life that you told me about. So take a look. Now is a great time since I have someone to bring stuff from the US soon.
Check out the links in the right collumn starting with my vitally important Amazon.com wish list. There might be something there you want to get me. There might even be something you want me to have, like a book to change my life that you told me about. So take a look. Now is a great time since I have someone to bring stuff from the US soon.
Best of the Web
I'm just sharing what I've discovered to be the best content in the internet. Why bother with Google if you can find links the the best sites right here on Seeing Progress?
I'm just sharing what I've discovered to be the best content in the internet. Why bother with Google if you can find links the the best sites right here on Seeing Progress?
That's it for now. Shana Tova and well over the fast!