Today I'm gonna tell you a bit about this web log; some of its technical aspects as well as some of its personal aspects.
Other Voices From My Neck of the WoodsYou may have noticed some links in the right collum under this heading. These are other web logs that I would like you to read.
treppenwitzjerusalemrevealedThey aren't the only other blogs I read. I chose them because they both say things that I would like to say about life, love, relationships, parenting and this wonderful little (sometimes I wish it were bigger...) country we live in, but they say better. They are both very talented writers and put enough of themselves into their writting to walk the tightrope between entertaining and enriching all of us readers on the one hand and embarrasing themselves and their loved-ones on the other.
I'm really hoping that neither of them falls off!
Web Pages referring... At the very bottom (or "foot" if you consider this a reference to a body part) of the page you'll find a little note indicating what links people have clicked in order to get to this website. This tells you which websites are helping people find my blog. With this feature I found out that there are a few Jewish bloggers who have added me to their list of links. There were two. Sorry you two. I can't remeber who you are right now.
Sometimes, I will comment on someone elses blog and leave my url. Sometimes people click those to get here and the name of the webisite I commented on will show up.
My biggest referer is the Efrat wikicitiies website, which seems to be down at the moment. Thanks
David for listing me over there. I figured it was you since you listed yourself second but wanted to do something nice for me so you listed me first!